I’m going to tell you something very clear: if you are not using email automation strategies, you are losing money.

Email marketing is the channel with the highest ROI (I suppose you knew this). Sending newsletters to your subscribers is a must, of course, but you can’t stop here.

Email marketing is much more than sending mass emails. Much more!

Email marketing is nothing without email automation. Nothing at all. Well, maybe a little, but if you don’t create autoresponders (now we’ll see what they are), you’re not getting all the juice out of this channel.

I suppose they have told you thousands of times that the money is on the list (on the subscriber list, of course). It is necessary that you have a very extensive and quality list of leads (leads that are interested in your brand, purchased leads are not worth) in order to carry out the best email marketing strategies.

When you have a good list, start using email automation to see your goals met.

What is email automation and how does it work?

First of all, I want this to be very clear to you: an autoresponse is NOT a newsletter.

A newsletter is an email that you send to a list of subscribers from time to time. You are the one who sends it every time via MailPipe (a great one!), MailChimp, MailRelay or any other email provider.

An autoresponse is an email that is automatically sent to a particular individual when he performs an action or event (we call this event TRIGGER).

An email that you only create once but that, every time a person does the action you have defined (fires a trigger), it will be sent automatically. Without losing time. Without spending effort. Easy peasy.

In case it is not clear enough for you yet, let’s look at a very simple example.

If you have a blog (like us) every time someone subscribes to our newsletter, we send them an email welcoming them and telling a little about who we are. But no, we don’t do it individually (we would waste sooooo much time).

Every time a person subscribes to our list, an email is sent to them. Without us realizing it.

This autoresponse that we created a long time ago (and it took us about 10 minutes of our time), is sent every time someone (and only when) subscribes to our newsletter. If you don’t, no email is sent to you. If you do, it is sent to you.

Why you should use email automation

The answer is very simple: because they work, because they save you time and because they will make you earn money.

Autoresponse are emails that are fully personalized and highly relevant to the reader. Consequently, its opening and click-through percentage is much higher than that of any newsletter.

Benefits of email automation

  • Relevant content delivered at the right time to the right people.
  • Higher response rate from potential customers.
  • Ease of lead nurturing and converting leads into customers.
  • Much deeper customer relationships.
  • High levels of brand recognition.

Remember that if you have your list of subscribers, you should do a cleaning periodically to ensure it arrives correctly and lower your bounce rate. Use our simple and free tool by clicking here.

Today we have seen everything you need to know to create an email automation strategy and start making money.

If you haven’t created an autoresponder yet, do so now. Really. Do not waste time. Choose a tool that meets your expectations and you can afford it and start creating sequences that are activated with triggers. I assure you will not regret.

Now it’s up to you: which email automation examples do you think works best? Which ones have you used? Which ones have they used with you and have they worked?