A quality email database is the guarantee to have good results in your email marketing campaigns, to obtain a good database for your email or SMS marketing campaigns you have to go a bit long, but not impossible.

Something very important that you must understand when making contacts is that it is not about capturing contacts without any meaning or objective. The main reason is to maintain contacts that can become your future clients.

To achieve this, they must be people who are interested in your brand, product or service and thus you can offer them valuable content that encourages them to consume your products and retain them towards your brand.

Sending to lists of contacts that you are not sure you know is not only a waste of money, but a complete failure. In addition, that you would risk having large unsubscribe rates, bounces or end up in spam folders.

Creating contact lists: what you should not do …

If at any time you have had the idea of ​​buying email databases, we must tell you that you would be making a big mistake. You shouldn’t even think about it, because there are compelling reasons to avoid this bad practice:

  • It is illegal
  • It would greatly affect your deliverability

Having purchased email contact lists and sending emails to people who are not interested in your products will not have good results, you may get them to open your email once but then you will be ignored and marked as spam or in the worst case reported to the authorities.

If you are lucky, users will only stop paying attention to your emails or will unsubscribe from your list, but whoever is really tired will mark you as Spam and if this action is replicated by many users, it will completely affect your reputation and your deliverability. In other words, money lost by buying contacts.

You have surely heard of the General Data Protection Regulation, as this regulation requires that you have proof that your contacts have agreed to subscribe to newsletters or contact lists and if you do not comply with the rules you could be sanctioned and fined.

How to create a strategy to attract the right contacts

Now that you are clear about the importance of having a good list of email contacts, it is not the quantity but the quality of them and we will give you some tips to get subscribers interested in receiving your emails.

Include subscription forms on your pages

If your business has a website, take advantage of it to add subscription forms. You could place these forms on the home page and within your blog. Mailpro makes it easy for you to register for Newsletters from your website using the Form Generator integrated from our application. In addition, you can link to our application through plug-ins for WordPress, Magento or Joomla. You can even use our API to connect your application, CRM, etc. with Mailpro.

Take advantage of your social networks

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn are great allies to attract qualified contacts. Through these you can create advertising campaigns where you can obtain data from new contacts. Of course, you will have to invest some amount to reach the correct candidates. Using social media ads you could promote your blog posts, make commercial promos or design specific campaigns to encourage your followers to join your email contact list.

Take advantage of value content

Another way is to offer content that adds value to your visitors is through a blog or through email campaigns. The content you send them must be relevant and very interesting to try to get them to sign up for your Newsletter. Do not limit the ideas when generating content. Share your content on social networks and always invite your readers to know more about you by subscribing to your newsletters.

Exclusive promotions and discounts

If you run an ecommerce you can create some kind of special offer for those who subscribe to your newsletter. Take every opportunity you get to highlight the added value you can offer to customers who subscribe to your contact lists.

Offering discounts always captures the attention of customers and you can use this resource during special dates, such as Christmas, summer, Valentine’s Day or in sales season.

Generate contests

Create an original contest so that your clients are encouraged to register and even share it with their friends, through social networks. In this way you could generate an extensive list of contacts. This resource can be achieved through digital means or traditionally.

Create activities to attract contacts

Generating contacts is also possible offline. In addition to connecting with those interested in your brand and making the benefits of your products known in a personal way, you are creating a network of contacts who are truly committed to your product or service.

There are platforms that allow you to create event calls such as:

  • Specialized workshops
  • Networking Events
  • Talks

By combining these tips and creating your own strategy, you can create a clean and secure email database. Stay away from purchased email contact lists and use professional tools like Mailpipe to send your email campaigns, and MailMonster to clean your email list!