According to a recent Adobe study, half of consumers prefer email when it comes to communicating with brands. But that they prefer it does not mean that it is perfect. In fact, there are many things they hate about them.

  • 39% of respondents for the 2019 Adobe Consumer Email Survey said they wanted less promotional emails that offered information.
  • Another 27% said they wanted better personalization, with content that reflected their interests.
  • Meanwhile, 12% stated that they would like to be able to make a purchase without having to leave email, according to

The most annoying thing about email marketing, according to half of those surveyed, is the high frequency of sending.

But for 23%, the worst thing is that they are badly written, while 22% think that the most unsettling thing is that the email makes it clear that the marketer is handling erroneous data about him or promotes a product or service that he has already purchased.

And while 16% consider that too much personalization makes them crazy, 9% complain if there is little or no personalization. 8% also felt annoyed by the absence of purchase buttons in the email.

A third of those surveyed agree that the most annoying lack of personalization occurs when the recommended objects do not correspond at all to their interests.

But he also cites other certainly annoying things, such as sending offers that have already expired (22%), failing with names (17%), sending offers not appropriate for the season or consumer location (15%) and sending product promotions already acquired (14%).

When it comes to reading an email on a smartphone…

The annoyance most cited by consumers surveyed was having to scroll too much to read it in full, according to 20% of consumers. Second, 18% hate having to wait for images to upload or download. 17% are annoyed if they receive emails with a lot of text or a small font, while 16% consider that the most annoying thing is that they are not optimized for mobile.

And what is the most hated phrase?

Well, according to this survey it is the following: “I’m not sure if you saw my last email.” Other hateful phrases are “according to my last email”, “according to our conversation”, “how we argued” or “sorry for the double email”, among others.