Manual processes are time consuming and costly. This causes the need to work with marketing automation. This is a way to facilitate the work in your business and make the strategies you are going to implement more productive.

Some companies still refuse to apply marketing automation because they consider that the message they want to convey ends up being impersonal. However, this is a simple myth, since these tools are not entirely managed by bots.

But if you want your strategies to get better results, then marketing automation is for you. Once you start using automated tools you will notice how useful and efficient they can be. In addition, the work will flow without the inconveniences that often occur in manual processes.

Manual process issues

One of the reasons that companies decide to incorporate marketing automation is because of the problems that manual processes cause.

You have probably already been through some of them, so it is important to know how to make the right decisions to be able to leave complications behind as soon as possible. Without automation, you’ll still be stuck in:

Your team does not have integrated and automated processes to help them facilitate tasks.
Sellers do not have the necessary information in real time.
Process management becomes more tedious and complicated, thus damaging the efficiency of your actions.
Much of the salespersons’ work time is wasted searching for contact information, preparing reports manually, or entering information frequently.

Signs you need marketing automation

You already know the problems that manual problems can cause in your sales. But there are other factors that should alert you and prompt you to make a decision about marketing automation:

1.- Lack of systems integration

Companies, together with their work teams, often face one of the most common problems for many companies today: the lack of integration of their systems. This happens especially to those who do not have specialized tools that offer this possibility.

What happens when your team’s systems aren’t communicating with each other? First, it influences the effectiveness of internal communication and, second, it prevents strategies from being carried out efficiently and effectively. All this has a direct negative impact on the increase in sales.

2.- Lack of communication between the different areas

This factor is closely related to the previous one, since by not integrating and automating the systems, communication between departments is scarce. Sometimes companies make sales without realizing that they do not have stock or service capacity to serve them

And why is this happening? Because there is no communication between the areas, causing sales not to increase. This can be avoided if you work with software capable of automating the marketing and sales process.

You can avoid the tedious task of updating the stock manually. To do this, you just have to look for a good marketing automation tool to help you. It is not about impersonating your team, but about facilitating their work and speeding it up, so everyone can get the updated information.

3.- Lack of visibility in the information

Information is as necessary and important as communication; one does not flow if the other is absent. For this reason, it is essential that you have reliable and timely data to help you see how your marketing strategy is progressing and, in turn, increase sales.

Information is as necessary and important as communication; one does not flow if the other is absent. For this reason, it is essential that you have reliable and timely data to help you see how your marketing strategy is progressing and, in turn, increase sales.

This can be avoided if you work with marketing automation tools, since they provide you with reports in real time. And the best of all is that it is automatic, it is not necessary that your workers have to do it manually.

4.- Rigid systems

Among the possible problems you will find rigid systems that do not adapt to the requirements. Currently, it is essential to adjust to new techniques and tools. It is the only way to keep pace with the needs of both the company and the customers.

It is not about installing many software that not even you or your team know how to handle. Ideally, you should have a tool that allows you to have integrated systems and that in turn facilitates the implementation of processes. And without a doubt, marketing automation can help you in this.

The growth of the company is very important, but it can become a real challenge if the processes are not up to date. Therefore, if you do not have available resources and an inefficient staff, it will be even more difficult to achieve it.

However, if you automate the processes, you can make them faster and more efficient. Therefore, time-consuming manual tasks can be easily automated. This way, you can focus on important things without worrying about documentation problems and incomplete tasks.