If you want to reach your users effectively, you have to know the advanced techniques in email marketing. It is not enough just to send them an email message, you have to apply strategies that have the effect you have been waiting for.

Marketing by email can generate many benefits, since you work with a direct and personalized channel. Additionally, if you wish, you can integrate marketing automation strategies to facilitate the shipping process.

That is why it is essential that you know the advanced techniques in email marketing with which you can improve your strategy even more. The idea is that you implement them so that you can see the difference in the final results of the campaigns you carry out for your clients.

Email marketing: the most effective channel to engage with your customers

Before learning about some advanced techniques in email marketing, it is important to remember why email marketing is one of the most effective channels for fostering customer relationships.

  • Customers prefer email when it comes to communicating with brands as they are in control of the content they receive. This is how relationships with consumers are established.
  • It is a direct and personal channel. The best thing about this is that you have the authorization of the clients to send them your campaigns. And it is ideal to offer a personalized tour for each person.
  • It allows you to monitor and analyze the most important metrics, which are what make it easy to calculate your email marketing ROI. These results give you the possibility to modify those aspects of your campaign that are not working properly.
  • Email marketing is easily integrated with other channels, for example, with social networks. This is ideal for your campaign to have visibility in different media and drive more traffic to your website.
  • It is easy to configure and very effective for your campaigns, as well as being very profitable.

Learn about the 7 advanced techniques in email marketing

The time has come for you to discover advanced email marketing techniques that you can use in your strategy.

You will realize that you can find many functions in email that you may not have known about, but that can make your campaigns a success.

1.- Collection of high-quality contact data

Many often make the mistake of not collecting people’s contact details and look for the easy way by buying databases. The problem with doing this is that you don’t have reliable information. Also, that list may have hundreds of users, but that doesn’t mean they are interested in your content.

When someone receives an email from a company or brand to which they did not give their data, it is most likely that it will generate annoyance and distrust. For this reason, the best option is for you to personally collect contact information for potential customers.

Keep in mind that if you don’t know who your subscribers are and what interests them the most, it will be difficult to attract, acquire and retain more customers. Given this, you must apply an advanced quality data collection technique, check that the registration form has the correct and necessary fields to make your segmentation.

You can also collect them by using third-party apps and integrations. Or take advantage of the power of application programming interfaces (APIs). Another option is to use data from your customers’ CRM to obtain the information you need.

2.- Focused Segmentation

It is not enough just to have a contact list, it is essential that you segment the subscribers you have in it. So once you have collected relevant data, you must create different segmented lists focusing on age, gender, interests, …

The goal of targeted segmentation is that each subscriber can receive the content that is important to them. This, in turn, makes the message you send attractive and personalized. Otherwise, users will be frustrated that the content is not relevant to them.

These segments help subscribers feel that brands understand who they are and what interests or needs them most. In addition, they are a good technique to generate brand loyalty through the relationship and communication that is built.

3.- Perform A / B tests

Although it sounds very basic, not everyone does A / B testing via email. Most of the platforms dedicated to email marketing have this option. It is something quite simple and very effective to know what users prefer.

Sometimes people use these tests to always test the same items in each shipment. But part of the advanced techniques in email marketing focuses on checking the effectiveness of each aspect of the email you send, starting from the subject that, sometimes, they do not have in mind or are given the importance that it really has.

In fact, it is essential that you start with the subject lines, and not that you leave them until the end. Remember that these are in charge of motivating the user to open the email you sent them. It is useless to have good content if the subject is not attractive, because simply the subscribers will not open it.

To do this, you must ask yourself a series of questions that will be of great help in this measurement process. For example, what are you trying to measure, how will you measure success, and what is your goal.

Apart from the subject line, you can also test the best logo placement, font color, size, and title text. Also keep in mind the design of the email (newsletter), the call to action button (CTA), personalization, content and many other aspects.

4.- Thoroughly analyze the bounce rate

Those who work with email marketing strategies often ignore the bounce rate, this is a common and serious mistake. This is a fundamental metric to monitor the effectiveness of your shipments. And it is not such a complex job because many email marketing services are responsible for calculating it.

When talking about the bounce rate, it refers to the percentage of emails sent that do not reach the intended recipient. This can directly affect the deliverability rate and the goals you have set for your email campaign.

There are two types of rebounds that are classified as soft and hard. Soft bounce rates are those that reflect emails that the email server rejected when trying to send it. They can come from out-of-office setups, crowded inboxes, or other less serious reasons.

While the hard bounce rate represents the number of emails that could not be sent. It may be because the email address is false or does not exist. If your rates are high, it is a red flag that tells you that you should clean your database by eliminating all those non-existent emails.

5.- Clean your database

Among the advanced techniques in email marketing you will find cleaning the database. As you have already seen in the previous point, if you have your contact lists clean, you can prevent your bounce rate from being high. You have to delete those accounts that for some reason are no longer active or that are wrong.

A good idea is to combine segmentation with cleanliness. When you know your subscribers, you know who the really active ones are. In this way, you can remove recipients who have not opened your email in the last three months.

It is recommended that you clean your listing monthly. So you can get better results in your metrics. Everyone wants to have a large database, but quality should be your main goal. It is useless to saturate the inbox of a person who is not reading your emails.

At MailMonster you can use our infallible verification tool here.

6.- Apply responsive design

Currently, it is essential that responsive design is present in your email marketing strategy. Remember that most people will open your emails on mobile devices.

For this reason, you have to have responsive content and a clear design, with an easy-to-read font, and a precise and attractive call to action.

Sometimes, brands and companies forget this important detail and that, without a doubt, is considered one of the advanced techniques in email marketing. This shows that it is necessary for the strategies they apply to keep pace with technological evolution.

7.- Automate your shipments

Marketing automation has also grown in popularity, and it’s a great option to integrate it into your email marketing strategy. This technique will facilitate the task of sending emails. You just have to leave them programmed and the platform will do the job.

This is a way to save time and give more timely responses to subscribers. In addition, you can take advantage of those minutes or hours and dedicate them to other tasks that require it.